Getting Your First Coveted Tech Job: Advice from Senior Developers, Hiring Managers & Industry Recruiters

Annie 🦄⚡️
9 min readFeb 1, 2020
Macbook on wooden table showing resume on screen, plus notebook, pen, phone, plant and glass of water next to it
Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

Very shortly after graduating from a 9 week Immersive coding bootcamp at HackerYou (now known as Juno College of Technology), I spent no small amount of effort setting up coffee chats, attending panels and networking events, asking lots of questions at interviews and talking with smart, passionate people about…



Annie 🦄⚡️

Designer // Developer | ENFP-T ♐ | 🌏 Traveller | Optimist 🥛 | Suffers from FOMO & analysis-paralysis